“Christine’s ability to coach and guide on personal growth and development, along with her HR experience and expertise, are now a key part of my business AND personal growth journey. She is easy to talk to, very insightful and intuitive, and her ability to guide and teach is second to none. I’m so grateful to have met Christine! I honestly believe I wouldn’t be where I am today without the presence of her in my life!”
— Belinda, Sydney
“What a wonderful meeting of souls. You make so much sense and make geeking out look and feel so elegant! Being in your presence helps me to feel more curious because you have this ability to bring out playfulness, along with caring and feeling of growth and expansion. I can feel the spark in you, and that feels good for me. Thank you for your nurturing and sharing.”
— Suzanna, Canberra
“I feel you’re like the big sister I never had. Loving, caring and kind. From the first moment we met you made me feel welcomed, included and loved. ”
— Kelly, Brisbane
“I love your warmth, poise, confidence, humility, calmness and know-how. I could feel your professionalism and charisma when I first walked in the room. Thank you for helping me understand, when I couldn’t get around it in my head. I really appreciate you.”
— Fiona, Brisbane
“The spark in your eye conveys your message with such power. You have an ability to connect from first meeting on a deep and trusting level. You radiate generosity, and you allow serenity to flow out into a room. ”
— Leanne, Brisbane
“You are not to be underestimated! Your outer persona belies the tigress within. You are the true Amazon woman who holds the balance of masculine and feminine, strength, protection, loving and nurturing. You are so capable and competent. Thank you for the light in your eyes and gemstones in your heart.”
— Donna, Melbourne
“It was really great to meet Christine. I had an overwhelming ‘aha’ moment while we talked. It became clear to me how much I valued working with individuals, being a catalyst for their wisdom and expertise to reach, impact and help more people. I have always wanted to be a catalyst for business owners, but I never quite knew in what shape or form. I now know my next step is to explore that spark! I am very glad I met Christine.”
— Sylvia, Sydney
“The book connects real life experiences with an action item list. It’s not just enlightening, but full of tips and tools to help you on your journey! Down to earth despite being a relatively spiritual self reflection.”